Sunday, 7 June 2009


Been so busy I have neglected my blog! a quick update though! we had our 2nd batch hatch on thursday 4th June, these were 3 blue/buff laced wyandotte bantams, 4 silver laced wyandotte bantams and 5 salmon faverolle bantams! all doing well and not much bigger than bumble bees! the dotties will probably be sexable at about 6-8 wks but the favs only about 2 wks! I am keeping at least 2 of the favs as the eggs were given to me by a friend, but i cant keep them all so will have a few spare! The 1st batch are growing well and 3 araucana chicks are off to their new home in just a few weeks time! looks like I have 3 girl welsummers and 1 boy! but give it a couple more weeks to be sure!
Due on 16th june are 5 lavender araucanas (4 sold) 2 orpingtons, 3 millifluer pekin bantams and 4 cream legbars (lovely big blue eggs) and just gone into the incubator are some more araucanas (black and lavenders) as they are proving so popular! and loads of dutch bantams and lemon cuckoo pekin bantams and belgium d'anvers! phewwww!!!! off to check on the babies now.

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